Hooked (VR)


Hooked is a VR puzzle game developed in Unity for Steam VR and Oculus Go.

In a medieval setting, the player uses a grappling hook to move around and interacts with the environment to solve puzzles and progress to the next location.

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Team Project

Role: Project Lead, Game Designer, Programmer

Software: Unity

Development Time: 3 Months

Contribution to the Project

Project Lead

I came up with the main concept of the game. Then, I assembled a team of developers and coordinated them, assigning them jobs, and setting deadlines.


I determined the setting, mood, and art style of the game and designed the game mechanics. I also created all the prefab assets used in the game by utilizing the models and scripts the artist and programmers made. Finally, I designed the first half of the level.


I provided assistance with the programming of the main game mechanic - the grapling hook. I also programmed smaller interractive objects like the pressure plate, crate, gate, and wooden door.